The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence
AI-2017: The Thirty-seventh SGAI International Conference
Cambridge, UK, 12th-14th December 2017
home | for authors | for reviewers | accepted papers

Format for Papers

Final versions of accepted papers must be prepared in either Microsoft Word or Latex together with a copy in PDF format. Initial versions of papers should be submitted in PDF format only and uploaded to the conference website by the deadline given in the Call for Papers. Instructions for authors, style files and templates for both Word and Latex are given by the publisher at


Please make sure you download the relevant template from this page.

For ease of reference the 'Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings' document is also available from here.

Please note the following important instructions:

  • The conference page limits must be kept to: 14 pages for full papers (oral presentation) and 6 pages for short papers (for poster presentation).
  • All figures will be printed in the proceedings book in black and white, so please make sure that any coloured figures are equally comprehensible in black and white.
  • All figures and tables should be referred to in the text.
  • Do not number the pages of your paper and do not include running heads for the pages.
  • References should use the MathPhySci format, as shown in the 'Guidelines for Authors' document. Authors are encouraged to include DOIs in their references where known.
  • References must be supplied as Bbl files to avoid omission of data when converting from Bib to Bbl.
  • Any appendices used must be placed before the References section.

The attention of all authors is also drawn to Springer's ethics website. The publishing ethics described there must be complied with in all cases.

home | for authors | for reviewers | accepted papers
The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence
AI-2017: The Thirty-seventh SGAI International Conference
Cambridge, UK, 12th-14th December 2017